Sunday, November 30, 2008


Many of you are exhibiting or presenting original work on the final day of class for your final projects. Please remember that you need to generate a few pages connecting your work to a text or texts in the course and hand that in to me on the final day so that I can refer to it in making my own final assessments.

Those who would opt to generate a more conventional final may respond to the following prompt with an essay 5-6pp. in length, due at the beginning of our final class meeting.

The prompt for the final essay:
To be recognized as human is to be accorded a special or “authentic” kind of ethical standing, while to be dismissed as nonhuman, subhuman, infrahuman through racializing, sexualizing, pathologizing, infantilizing, primitivizing, or bestializing language is to be rendered especially vulnerable to being cast outside of both culture and history. Discuss what you take to be significant similarities or differences in the role of this proposition in any two of the pieces we read in class by Michel Foucault, Valerie Solanas, Judith Butler, John Carpenter, Franz Fanon, William Burroughs, Donna Haraway, or Carol Adams.

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